And Now...The Rest of the Story

MY Saga

E1c's ONLY Press Release

E1c...An Evolving "1-Club" Golf Enthusiast

A Continuing Saga

Golf Sites


About Me


Insights into my Tournament days and Other Golf Exposures...

In 1994, I joined a 'traveling' golf league (Tournaments on the Green or TOG) that played all over the NE and it was during this time I fine tuned/expanded my "club" playing experience.  It was during this time of play I got my handicap down to a 14 using only my 7-iron.  It was also during this time I made a radical switch to my putting....instead of using the back side of my 7-iron....I began hitting with the face of my 7-iron....i.e., dragging the clubface to hit my putts.....with my hand action leading wayout infront of the clubface itself.....hence the "dragging" motion....Continued my association with TOG until 1997 playing many a fine venues throughout NE (especially liked when got to play Yale CC on August 8, 1994 where I shot 50 front/54 back with a 5 on the infamous Par 3 #9 with it large "valley" green which you had to shot over a large pond from an elevated tee...this green had huge valley running through he middle of it...that was a challenge as put my tee shot on opposite side of valley from where the pin was talk about your "clutch" putting).... and meeting a great contingent of golfing fanatics.....really enjoyed my travels during this period of play.....unfortunately the TOG folded in 1997 due to financial issues and one of the members tried to continue with version of TOG (Short Irons & Short Putts) but it could not continue the momentum of TOG and too fell by the wayside in time.....In July, 1995 I took a part-time position at Pautipaug CC (PCC), Baltic, CT, on their maintanence staff.....seasonally from March to November....Love this got to see for yourself....Go to



I tried the Golf Society of the U.S. our of Boston, MA, during my 1995-1997 playing days also but never really got too active with this group and it too eventually died a financial death.....

During 1997-1998, had the pleasure of visiting my oldest son, Jeff, at his Midlothian, VA, residence after working my seasonal job at PCC and playing all over VA as well as making several golf trips to Myrtle Beach, SC while with talk about your golfing exposure....some hilites of my play in VA included: Stonehouse GC and its sister course Royal New Kent GC which had 156 bunkers on it; Brandermill CC; River's Bend GC (home course of Bobby Watkins) should see the practice area they have set up for him; Kingmill-Wood course; Kiskiak GC; Williamsburg National; Belmont CC (site of the 1949 PGA Championship where Sam Snead won) have to play the 1st and 2nd talk about tight fairways and Ford's Colony CC where on 11/24/98 I had the pleasure of meeting and playing with Ret. Gen. Steve Silvasy...who was assistant to Gen. Colen Powell while he was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff before he retired.......Lots of memories of playing in VA at all the fine courses in that state......

And in August, 2000, took a leave of absence from PCC to begin a stint working on a newly developing golf course in E Haddam, CT, called Fox Hopyard if not the finest semi-public golf facility in the State...

Had always wanted to work at a course that was being built and this one happened to be literally in my back woods.....carved out of an old farmland site it has it all.....woods....links concepts...wetland vistas and more.....a Super clubhouse and pro-shop.....I truely enjoyed this working experience and the insights I got from being in at the beginning of a "grow-in" course....a great place to play and see nature at its best......give it a see at

2001.....Present: My play during this period has been somewhat subdued but I do try and sneek out as often as I can....tournament play is definitely not like it used to be and my annual attendance at the PCC Fall Classic is always a challenge to make the cut for weekend play....lately I have found a way to make it through Friday's qualifying round into Saturday's flight play....but playing with one club is always a Challenge but has made me a better person in my course management over the years....I look forward to my playing days ahead with great anticipation.....







Transcendent Moments of a Golfer...

Playing golf at Land's End: a course close to the ocean

             A Purely Struck Shot

The Hole - In - One

              Going Home Again: Your Favorite Course

The Pick - Up - Game: Meeting new friends

             NEW LIFE: Watching the course come to life in the 'am'


A Golfer's Ultimate Opponent ---- Him/HerSELF



  My SGA Experience...

In 1995, I ran across an ad in one of the golf magazines for the Senior Golfers of America group out of Myrtle Beach, SC.  I sent in for additional information on the group and upon receiving it immediately joined on September 11, 1995...

This group plays tournaments all over the USA at many of the more prestigious courses throughout the year.  As it happened for me, I chose to play in their annual Senior Amateur Championship of America tournament at The Cloisters Resort December 3, 4, 5, 6, 1995, with play at the Sea Island Plantation courses and the St Simon's Island Club.....What an experience for a 1-club golfer.....a real eye opener to me.....NOTE: in as much as The Cloisters was a bit much for my budget in those days...a local "Letom" residence got my business for the week while in Brunswick, GA....

Played my practice round with a couple from Missouri and shot fair for a course I had never played before: a 50 on the Retreat course and 51 on the Plantation course at Sea Island.....But all that changed when I showed up for the first round of the tournament at Sea Island's Marshside course with a 4 on the par 3 #4 hole...not bad but after that it was all down hill and the shanks for the rest of the tournament with my 7-iron.....WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!....shot a 60 on the front-9 and 59 on the backside Seaside course....with my handicap I had a 101 for my 1st day of play (par was 72.8/135) only salvation for the day was the excellent evening meal at The Cloisters along with an evening of sharing with my new found golfers....

2nd round play was a little better at the St Simon's Island Club layout....but my shankieDos hung for the day:  shot 49 on front and 53 on back for 102 or 84 with handicap adjustment (par was 71.8/133).....Dinner saved the day again.....

3rd round action at Sea Island was up/down: 47 front on Retreat course and 57 back on Plantation course (par was 72.8/135)....our final nite awards banquet was a hit with all.....all in all found the experience most rewarding and meet a host of new golfing buddies/buddesses....Look forward to day can revisit the site of my SGA tournament initiation....

Oh....if you want to find out how I did at the SGA event you can write to SGA in Myrtle Beach, SC as ask to get their Winter, 1995, edition of their Senior Golf Journal.....see pages 18-20 for all the flight results at The Cloister's Resort affair.....some great picture too.....

BTW...on my drive back to CT after the tournament, stopped at Hilton Head and was hoping to play Harbour Town but weather was too poor....very windy and cold plus $175.00 fee to play was a little stiff but was told if came back after 2pm could play for only $75.00 without a cart and that seemed quite fair but weather too cold to stay til 2pm.....drove on to CT....

Did not renew my membership with SGA in 1997 so will cherish my playing experience in the one and one tournament I played with this organization....but if interested they do play some very high end layout during the year.....and they go top shelf all the way!!!


Club Selection Changes...

Over the years, I have stayed with the 1-club play concept BUT have expanded my club selections....Starting with my Tiger Shark 7-iron which was my 'baby from 1997 happened to have been watching TV and saw an ad for Harry Pinnock's clubs and immediately ordered his 7-iron (on 4/11/97 for only $21.25 plus shipping) and liked it a lot.....great feel.....put my TS aside....but plan to be buried with it...

About this time I changed to a larger size grip which had greater feel/touch for me.....

Called Harry again to get his 6-iron (on 7/24/97 again for only $21.25 plus shipping).....then his 5-iron (on 11/1/97 and yes again for $21.25 plus shipping).....but still only playing my round with 1-club.....liked the 5-iron as I got more distance off the tee and easy to putt with it....less need to "hood" the club giving me less drag in as much as my hands were not so far out in front of the head during the putting stroke.....BUT still had a tendency on putts over 15 feet to pull the club head.....even today this is my NEMESIS....

Then in 1998, when I was in my local GOLF DAY store, I happened to be rummaging thru a barrel with their markdown club selections and ran across a Dunlap metal 3-wood for only $19.95...what a bargain and bought it immediately....well now my bag was full --- I got my Pinnock 5,6,7-irons and a Dunlap 3-metal wood.....WHOA!!!!!!!

So now when I play....I put my "Sunday bag" of clubs in the car and off to play....when get to my match just as my opponents which of my clubs I should use (stuff 4 golf balls in my pockets) and it's off to the 1st tee to play my round.....

Am looking to the day I might have the opporunity to play a round of golf with YOU...and ask for YOUR club selection preference....

The FUTURE....................................

Still evolving but the prognosis looks good....will keep you updated as things develop.....stay tuned!

Short and Straight is better than getting too far off course...

Been there and done that many a time!

As the sun sets on my 1-club saga...but look forward to many new sunrises in the years ahead...